Department Forms and Procedures

Materials Engineering Year 4 - Honing Professional Engineering Skills


Independent design and professionalism 

What to Expect

Your big task this year is to complete your senior project while both deepening and broadening yourself through electives. You have the opportunity to choose from a number of courses. The senior project builds on all the mastery you have developed over the past three years, including the ability to self-direct your learning. You will have a faculty advisor to guide you through this process.

As the culmination of all your learning, you will design a senior project poster, write a professional report, and present your project research at the annual Materials Engineering Technical Conference.

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Contact Us


Materials Engineering Department
1 Grand Avenue
San Luis Obispo, CA 93407

Location: 41A-229

Phone: (805) 756-2568


Hours: M-F 8am-5pm

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